Sermon for the day:
Don’t assign to malicious intent, behaviors in others that can be easiest explained by stupidity.

Don’t assign to stupidity, behaviors in salespeople that can be easiest explained by the structure of their comp plan.

Don’t assign to condemnation, behaviors in others that can be easiest viewed in a mirror.

In the command “Judge not, lest you be judged”, Christ speaks to us who, “are full of innumerable ills, and trampling upon other men for trifles. . . . Correct him, but not as a foe, nor as an enemy exacting a penalty, but as a physician providing medicine. . . . [Christ] commands you first to take out the log from your own eye, and only then set right the doings of the rest of the world. — St. John Chrysostom, Homily 23 on Matthew’s Gospel